Sunday, October 23, 2011

How Should Schools be Judged?

Another distinct opinion surrounding aptitude exams sees how these tests have an impact on the supposed quality of a certain school. The main claim this source makes is that aptitude tests are more reflective of a student's mastery instead of an institution's success. It addresses how detractors of the achievement tests being an indicator of school quality point to how the school's job is to help the student achieve mastery in a specific area, while these tests test the ability of the student to synthesize this information. Therefore, aptitude tests are an indicator of student prowess, but not student quality. Another idea it points to is how aptitude tests are especially bad indicators of math prowess, since the specific math reasoning skills are not tested enough on. Finally, the article points to how English and history writing and analysis skills are highly underestimated by these tests. For example, schools that focus more on analyzing purposes of authors versus grammar and mechanics might struggle, creating many problems for certain schools.

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